Warm weather sparks allergies

CBC News- The winter cold and flu season may be drawing to a close, but many people in the Ottawa region won't be able to put away the tissues. The rapidly melting snow is uncovering moulds that can cause sneezing, wheezing, rashes and other allergic reactions in some...

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A Sneezer’s Guide to the Galaxy

After a long, dreary winter, most Canadians can't wait for spring. That first hint of a warm breeze that catches us off guard and the tiny buds appearing on the ends of gnarled branches are like a balm to our cold-weary selves.But for the up to 25% of Canadians living...

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How to Create a Dust-Free Bedroom

If you are dust-sensitive, especially if you have allergies and/or asthma, you can reduce some of your misery by creating a "dust-free" bedroom. Dust may contain molds, fibers, and dander from dogs, cats, and other animals, as well as tiny dust mites.These mites,...

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