
Nickel Smart® Rainbow Falls Earrings – Kaleidescope


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Rainbow Falls Earrings – Kaleidoscope

So much colour! Just like gazing into a kaleidoscope, each way they turn and reflect the light different colours and patterns seem to emerge! Wear these dichroic glass earrings with no fear of nickel allergy rashes appearing on the scene! Approximate length: 25 mm. Colour/shape: multi-colour medley, brilliant hues with no pair exactly the same.

Dichroic Glass: The amazing look of this dichroic glass earring starts in our regional artisans’ studio, as they create the design and unique colour patterns, then apply precise scientific skills to achieve the exact kiln-firing temperatures, duration, and repetition, all of which are crucial to the glass. Dichroic glass is fired several times to achieve the shifts of colour and depth which display in this artistic creation. These earrings are US-made from the design, to the firing of the glass, to the assembly of each earring.